Monday, 13 May 2013

9M4LHM (Tanjong Dato Light House)

9M8ADX and 9M8WAT make short trip to 9M4LHM Light House, on 12th May 2013. The Light house position at the fartest west Borneo Island. Purpose for the servey is to see the compound of light house for DX-ing or for International Light house weekend.The journey take 1 hour by speed boat equiped with 200hp outboat engine from Sematan town.
Mount Serapi far behind.

Talang-Talang Big island (OC-165). Tutle santuary

Half way to 9M4LHM

9M4LHM from the sea, a long way to go up

Leban Gadong, Tanjong Datu national park office, a good spot for DX-ING