Date: 30th August - 2nd September 2018
Venue: Betong Division
Stations Involved : 9W8CH ,9W8KIF, 9W8JJJ, 9W8ROT, 9W8MAD, 9W8STK, 9W8LTZ, 9W8SIM, 9W8JSJ, 9W8GAD, 9W8JIP, 9W8LTC, 9W8CTT, 9W8JAM, 9M8WAT, 9W8MED, 9W8PTS
This is the second year that ARCS is involved with Layar Cycling Carnival. ARCS provided communication support for this cross country cycling event of approximately 100km. After setting up our temporary repeater for the event, all stations carried out signal checks along the cycling route. The terrain was challenging with many hills and valleys making signal coverage challenging. After some adjustments to the repeater position and identification of locations that could reach the repeater, we appointed one station to stay as a relay & report station during event. With 15 stations involved, we manage to cover the entire area and assisted the organizers along the race. This event also trained amateur stations how to handle big events and any emergency situations in future.
Set up a temporary repeater lead by 9W8CH, assisted by 9W8PTS, 9W8KIF, 9M8WAT. Location, highest ground not far from the cycling route
Time to setup, less than 30 minutes |
Repeater antenna (F23H) on pole height 34 feet |
Stations drive off from Kuching, 250km from the event location |
Happy faces and ready to serve (Thank's 9W8JJJ, for photo) |
ARCS mastermind for the event (9W8KIF) |
Briefing session and distribute station to the location and mobile station |
The most important moment, refill energy after run a signal test for three times , the day before event. Thank's to the Gengsurai long house |
Before start the event.....ready to serve |
At start & finishing line |
9W8JIP with his slim jim homebrew antenna, 5,9 all the way |
9W8JJJ, also with homebrew slim jim at his mobile station. middle in the jungle |
9W8JAM, with his mobile station, at Sg. Langgit junction. 150m ASL |
Podium team after 2 hours cycle through hilly terrain |
Pit stop at 9W8JAM point |
ARCS strong man , 9W8GAD, after disassembling the repeater |
Happy faces after duty, 9W8GAD,9W8ROT,9W8CTT, James |
9W8KIF with event organizer |
see you in 2019....73.... |
ARCS committee wish thank's to all station that involve in this event ,especially to YB Gerald Rentap Jabu and Tuai Rumah Gensurai for provide us place to stay and meal along the event . We hope in years to come, there will be many more stations that will join for such activities. This activity, will train amateur station indirectly how to coordinate in many situation. Feedback from organizers - they really appreciated what ARCS had done during the event, and hope will assist again in years to come.