Date: 17th September 2018
Station involve: 9W8CH ,9W8PTS, 9W8JJJ, 9W8MED, 9W8JAM, 9W8GAD, 9W8JIP, 9W8LIM, 9W8TIM,9W8LWM, 9W8ECO,9M8WAT
ARCS short trip this time went to Telok Melano Village in Sematan District. The location not far from Tanjong Datu, the farthest west point of Sarawak land. The group was gathered at Moyan Square before going up to Bau Town, then meet up with our guide for the trip (9W8GAD & 9W8JAM). The journey took 2 hours and 180km distance. All the way, all station tried do simplex from time to time, because distance among vehicle, the respond was very good.
From SematanTown, the distance to Telok Melano was 25km, the road still 30% under construction and mostly already been asphalt. All station really enjoy the trip and rag chew in frequency.
The main purpose of this activity is to gathered few station and meet new club member. During at Telok Melano, we set up a HF station for test 9W8CH homebrew wyre dipole 40m antenna. Running with 'barefoot' , he manage to contact one station from 9M2 land (cannot remember the call sign) with report 3/3. 9W8JIP, manage to contact with YB7IJM from Kalimantan Selatan with report 5/9, +10bd.
Set up station only takes 30 minutes with few station working together and know their role when to set up, this also one of indirectly emergency exercise from time to time. By 1330hrs, we're packing up all the station and move to Sematan to have a late lunch.
During journey back to Sematan Town, 9W8JJJ jalopy had a problem with the fuel station, and luckly 9W8JAM already stnby all the way if any jalopy had a problem along the journey. 9W8JJJ jalopy can driven all the way back home without any arise problem along the way . The group separate, after the lunch and going back to Kuching city with small group of vehicle.
The one day trip was very interesting for those who first time to Telok Melano, this is because the road just open to user from mid of this year. The scenery by the beach was awesome and we cannot wait till sunset. The village had provided a home stay for visitor who want to stay overnight.
9W8JAM & 9W8PTS , once arrive at the beach |
Resting before set up a HF station |
Setting up wire dipole antenna (40m wire antenna) |
As always, 9W8GAD, our strong man when come to setting up antenna. Thank's GAD |
9W8JIP, 9W8CH & 9W8MED. |
9M8WAT tunning the antenna using LDG auto tunner. get 1:1 SWR |
9W8CH under a very hot & shinning sun that day |
9W8MED secure the portable pole. Very easy to set up |
9W8CH, trying to make some contact |
Few kilometers of the road still under construction |
9W8JJJ jalopy, had a problem on the way back, thank's to 9W8JAM and group to make a short repair. Not a major problem |
Crossing Samusam river
ARCS committee wish thank you to member club who join this program. We hope in future, will be more member club this kind program.We hope in future ARCS committee will organize a big convoy to others part of state in way to introduce this hobby to public